
Tips for studying a new language: How to learn the language of the country in which you live.

For refugees facing the challenge of adapting in a new country, learning a new language often becomes one of the biggest problems. Mastering the language of the country you live in significantly facilitates the process of integration, helps in creating social contacts, and in finding work and education. Here are several tips and strategies that will help you effectively master a new language.

Immersion into the language environment: Total immersion is one of the most effective ways of learning a language. Strive to speak, read, and listen in the new language every day.

Use of language apps and online resources: Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and others offer lessons and exercises at various levels. The Internet is also full of free resources, such as YouTube channels and language podcasts.

Attending language courses: Language schools and courses offer structured learning programs and opportunities for practice. Many organizations offer free courses for refugees.

Language exchange: Find a language exchange partner who wants to learn your native language, and learn together.

Reading books and watching movies: Reading books and watching movies in the new language can improve your vocabulary and grammatical skills.

Practicing with native speakers: Regular conversations with native speakers can significantly accelerate your learning process.

Participation in language events and clubs: Many cities have language clubs and events where you can practice the language informally.

Setting goals and regularity: Set clear goals and practice regularly. Consistency and regularity are the keys to success.


Learning a new language is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for personal growth, development, and discovery of new horizons. It can be a demanding and laborious process, but with the right strategies and resources, success is attainable. Remember, every step forward matters.