
Zvyšování počítačové gramotnosti

„Nová Ukrajina“ (New Ukraine), recognizing the relevance of digital technologies in the modern public life of the Czech Republic and the opportunities they open for communication with state and social institutions, in social networks, and for providing employment on the Internet, together with partners from „Slovo 21“, is implementing computer literacy courses.

This initiative has the following key features:

Digital Skills Training: Computer literacy courses offer the Ukrainian community the opportunity to learn the basics of working with computers and the Internet.

Communication and Interaction: Participants learn to communicate online, using social media and other interactive platforms, which improves their communication effectiveness.

Use of Digital Tools: The courses help acquaint participants with various digital tools necessary for their everyday activities, such as working with email, searching for information online, etc.

Technical Basis and Systematic Classes: The availability of technical infrastructure allows for systematic educational activities, and partnership with „Slovo 21“ provides quality information and methodological support to participants.

These courses are aimed at expanding the possibilities of the Ukrainian community in the digital world and help to refine their internet user skills.